World Wide EPS Meeting 2016
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More than 300 students from the Ploytechnic School participated in the presentations of the mobility programs of the different foreign universities, which took place at the second World Wide EPS Meeting (WWEPS), organized by the Polytechnic School and which ends tomorrow, Nomvember 19, with a cultural visit to the Romanesque churches of Vall de Boí.
The Polytechnic School of the University of Lleida considers the process of internationalization of the center a key aspect. On the one hand, for its own establishment and strengthening as a reference center. On the other hand, for the professional future of its students. This process allows us to face the future with optimism and a global and open vision of the world. The director of the Polytechnic School, Francesc Giné, defense that "the future professionals who have arised from the Polytechnic School must be able to face their future job challenges with the maximum guarantees of success, understand and visualize in a global way the authentic and excellent job opportunities that are offered on a European and global scale". With this sentence, Giné also wants to promote the internships in companies abroad.
The deputy director of International Relationships of the Polytechnic School, Cristian Solé, explains that "the School objective is, in the future, to enjoy of a double international degree in each of the degrees and master's degrees of the School". Nowadays, the offer of international double degrees is:
- Double Degree in Technical Arquitecture and Edification, and Civil Engineering (VIA UC - Denmark)
- Double Master's Degree in Cumputer Engineering and Computer Science (ITB - Indonesia)
WWEPS started last thursday with the activity presentation by Mrs. Àstrid Ballesta, vice rector of International Relationships and Cooperation of the University of Lleida, and a talk by professor Carlo Noé, SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education) representative.
Then each institution cunducted a presentation for the students from Polytechnic School, and also for high school students from some schools that accepted the invitation to the event: Col·legi Santa Anna, Institut Gili i Gaya, Col·legi Mater Salvatoris, Ilerna, Institut Màrius Torres i Institut Josep Lladonosa.
As well, during these presentations, current Polytechnic School students who are currently enjoying an experience of international mobility in these universities, explained via video to attendees their experience and how this fact is influencing the progress of their studies and their life.
The objective is to show that the city of Lleida is attractive as a destination for international students and, furthermore, that it has enough potential at university, business and industrial level to establish relationships with other university institutions around the world. That is why, in addition to strictly academic activities, visiting professors were also able to enjoy a guided tour around the city, with special emphasis on the Seu Vella of Lleida, a wine tasting and dinner at the winery SOMMOS D.O. Somontano de Barbastre (Huesca) and a cultural visit to the Romanesque churches at Vall de Boí.
The second conference of WWEPS was organized as a fair, where each institution had its own stand where they personally received each and every one of the students interested in their mobility offer and explained to them and clarified any of the doubts and concerns they might have.
Participating Universities
The participating universities in this second edition of World Wide EPS Meeting are:
VIA UC (Denmark)
NOVIA UAS (Finland)
UFSCAR (Brazil)
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Dzemal Bijedic University (Bosnia-Hercegovina)
FACENS (Brazil)
University West (Sweden)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
Instituto Politécnico da Guarda (Portugal)
University of Celaya (Mexico)
Silesian University of Technology (Poland)
Centro Universitário Newton Paiva (Brazil)
Autonomous University of Nayarit (Mexico)
Thursday 17th, November 2016 |
08:30h |
Arrival to University and inscription (Escola Politècnica Superior, c/Jaume II, 69)
09:00h |
Welcome by authorities (room 2.03)
09:30h |
SEFI presentation (Prof. Carlo Noé) (room 2.03) |
10:00h |
Visit to the Campus |
11:30h |
Coffee break (room 2.02) |
12:00h |
Presentation by institutions (max. 15 minutes/presentation) Experiences by previous mobility students (addressed to students)
14:00h |
Lunch |
15:00h |
Internationalization Strategy of the Polytechnic School (addressed to Secondary Schools) (room 2.03)
15:30h |
Presentation by institutions (max. 15 minutes/presentation) Experiences by previous mobility students (addressed to students)
18:00h |
Friday 18th, November 2016 |
Stands from institutions for the students |
14:00h |
Lunch will be served during the fair |
16:15h |
Visit to La Seu Vella (Short walk, leaving at 15:45 from hotel)
Saturday 19th, November 2016 |
07:45h |
Cultural visit to the Romanic Unesco World Heritage (